"A great man is hard on himself; a small man on others." - Confucius
Do you want to be yourself?
Cellphone bad, book good
What's your Analyzation of this quote.
If you were given the choice to practice only one Stoic idea for the rest of your life, which would it be ?
I hate humans
What's Up To Us And What's Not Up To Us (For Begginers)
"For what else are tragedies but the ordeals of people who have come to value externals, tricked out in tragic verse?" -Epictetus, The Discourses
When to be present
What's up to us and what's not up to us.
Critical thinking is essential for a philosopher because it allows you to see what masses are not able to.
The lessons lost on an American Psycho - Discourse 3.20
Is Sophie's world, Story of Philosophy and History of Western Philosophy good to begin with?
I wrote it for as comment on a post but thought it was a banger so I am turning it into a post. Alternative title, On insult and standing alone.
Favorite quotes?
How do Stoics stay unbothered when facing hate and negativity?
What Stoic practices you practice in your daily life ?
My top 5 Epictetus Quotes.
You will always find similar people. There will always be someone who's share same beliefs as you. There's a saying that there exist ten thousand of one's kind beneath heaven.
Character and knowledge. These two are the pillars of happiness.
Are we all truly equal I don’t think so
The people who actually work to make world a better place often goes noticed
Remember : World don't revolve around you, you're not the only one.
Why are men the center of religion?
The "Pain response" for being ignorant and nasty in 2025 is so low that people can actually get rich and powerful from being ignorant and nasty, with little to no negative consequences. This is why so many bad people are rising to the top today.