Folks, we tell him?
Kevin Steen and El Generico next time they see Dave.
WWE’s Best/Most Shocking Heel Turns of the past decade. Which was your favourite? 👇
Dusty Rhodes Is The Best Babyface Promo. Who Has The Best Babyface Look?
Carmelo Hayes Sells the Moves Too Well for His Own Good
Bret Hart Is The Best Babyface In-Ring Performer. Who Is The Best Babyface Promo.
Please suggest shows to actually get hooked right away
Who Is The Best Babyface In-Ring Performer
Which chamber match is more stacked
Charlie Cox said producers of Netflix show wanted him to play Foggy but he refused saying he will only read for Matt Murdock
Undertaker wins the Lantern Corps for Death. Which WWE superstar gets the Lantern Corps for Life?
Movies With A Smart But Not Genius Protagonist
Shows With Smart But Not Genius Protagonists
Wrestling moments that fit this meme
Which wrestler is Decent in-ring but terrible on the mic?
Let's start with Batista
When bird lady loses and I don't need to retire
Which wrestler is Decent in-ring and decent on the mic?
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Which wrestler is Decent in-ring but great on the mic?
Which wrestler is Great in-ring but Terrible on the mic?
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Exactly, no pop
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