Cope. This is what you wanted.
I love webtoon! So many original stories with such unique characters
I hate being a woman.
To all the female medicos of this sub: what are some of the mistreatments you faced or are facing in your personal/academic/professional careers which you think you would not have faced if you were a male medico?
Judge Questions Woman’s Appeal to Husband Over Lack of Bindi, Mangalsutra .Is really husband need Women to wear Bindi and Mangalsutra??
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What is a WEBTOON that u would rate 10/10?
Hindutva Terrorists interrupted and humiliated modest muslim women for their identity
Few extremist men interrupted and humiliated modest muslim women for their identity
Most Street Dog Lovers are prime example of how brainwashing can make you deranged. Most of these so called protectors of the wild start valuing these dogs more than even humans. They hold humans guilty if dogs attack. Utter despicables
childhood friend complex is so funny, freaky and wholesome at the same time
Women’s tragedy turned into art.., A street song created by the women of Chittorgarh - Utho Ri (Wake Up!)
Tried some of y'alls ideas. How does this look?
Made a mug brownie today and my mom didn't even taste it
I feel sorry for everyone who got groped today in the stampede!
Bro wtf! My reddit wrapped was so funny I cried😂
People demanding a Ban on The Song...!!
This is very true though
Will I lose my points collected so far if i reset??
Who do you think is the most evil villain in webtoons
Help me find this
Need Help Finding a Webcomic on Canva
They got me too!!!