How did you come up with your Reddit username? Any interesting stories behind it?
Dedication towards work
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
where will you hide it?
One of the simple explanation against Three language policy
Car pictures trending aaya sthithikk.. Inna pidicho
Found this yesterday while cleaning my room
Guys , rathri ethra mani vere kadalpalath nikkam ( i mean police vallo varuo?)
Need help with finding tourist spots in srilanka
Fire broke out and destroyed more than 100 tons of plastic waste collected by the 'Haritha Karma Sena' meant for recycling and proper disposal. Incident happened near Chittur village, Palakkad.
Please comment
A Group Of People With Unusual Laughter Were Put Together On A TV Show
What are some of your unpopular takes on our state?
OP cooks food for a living.
Who do you have on your lock screen? Here's mine
Why Do We Treat Public Property Like This?
What's your phone wallpaper?
What’s your deepest college secret?
Are you seeing what I'm seeing!?
Gems Modern Academy Kochi
Zyada Kuch Nai, App lunch me lya laye ho ??
SSC Coaching in Tamil Language
A fellow Redditor visited the Orphan Shelter Home in Sagroli!!
How much is photostat cost in your locality ? This store is charging 5 rupees per copy.
Samsung Galaxy S24 vs S25, Spot the difference