these two are THE autistic characters to me.
Fidget Toy
Describe a Game poorly :3
smh they forgot to leak the bonus card
Every touhou 18 boss made into mtg cards (on a whim)
Deathless Typewriter (silver border because supertype alteration is a rules nightmare iirc)
Mana Sink
I bet this is relatable for some of you
Favorite character whose pose you like to hit irl for various reasons
Who are your "Literally me" characters?
I can fix her
Who's your favorite Pokémon and why?
Does this work?
this ain’t fair bro😭
Which band do you think has the coolest or most badass name in the genre?
Simic Value Engine
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
Happy Pi(e) day!
Hey guys pls rate my custom commander i intended it to be very fair and balanced for bracket 1 commander edh
The stupid nickname feature in X and Y
Hello! Goodbye!
How (17 times!?!?!?l
Be honest, am i a fatass?
Every instance of gen 5 being a soft reboot