Who is the most wasted casting in the MCU in your opinion and why is it Peter Dinklage as Eitri?
Considering that a James Bond pre-title sequence should balance high-stakes action, sharp humor, and a seamless hook into the main storyline, which one is the worst in the entire franchise?
Why does anyone even lives in New York at this point?
Without saying the name, what’s a movie everyone will recognize from just a quote?
Everyone loves it… except you. What’s the most overrated movie?
First movie comes to mind when you see Kate Beckinsale?
What is your favourite film directed by this guy ?
What movie character is idolized by people who missed the entire point of their story?
Children in a country lane in Dinton, Buckinghamshire in 1904.
I saw the BTTF Musical and It was amazing
Present time 1955 destination time 1885.
Prank to the Future 1 (Back to the Future edit)
Bruce Almighty wins Man vs God, next what Movie is Man vs Society?
Is Nebula (movies) the most autistic character of any comic book movie?
batman got his name due to his fear of bats. using that same logic, what would your superhero name be?
We all had a teacher with an odd name. What was yours?
This feels like it should be a Weekly Planet poster
movies that *shouldnt* be good but are actually good?
Movies that pissed off entire countries
Which films fit this?
Why was the Delorean missing it driver side front tire?
Dang kids
What’s the best worst movie in a trilogy?
This is without a doubt the best disaster/world ending catastrophe movie to ever be made.
Say something nice about this movie.