Every time a Ninjago fan see something that adds up to five:
Arin is slow
Ft: genned shiny yveltal LF: archipelago OR sun pattern vivillon NOT from Pokemon Go
Getting rid of some pokes (attempt 2 because I forgot to include a pic an hour ago)
Post here if new Vivillon Formes become available
Looking for non-PoGo sun and archipelago pattern vivillon
What was your 1st 1k
Guys, Is this the forbitten 5?
If u could be any elemental power (other than time) what would u be?
Ft: shiny yveltal LF non- Pogo shiny porygon
LF: alolan Golem non-PoGo. FT: shiny machamp
Coca Cola Oreo
I’m done with my teacher
Shiny stakataka we
Shiny kartana giveaway!
Maersk blue stud
Would it be worth it to buy fake Lego for custom DX Nya?
Still no updates???
100% Otis
My Otis collection is complete
Who else thinks Lloyd should have shown signs of having powers before he was revealed to be the Green Ninja?
You've been captured and are now forced to rewrite the Ninjago seasons to be better than they already are. What do you do? Day 9. Hunted (my answer is in the comments, don't come at me moderators)
Who's your brawlers that everyone else seems to be good at but you just can't seem to get good at?