Senate Democrat questions what Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez have ‘actually done’
Don't forget to wear a ski mask
What’s a movie you’ve rewatched the most times?
Who remembers this weed dealing device?
My uncle, Earl Theisen with Marilyn Monroe at the Look Magazine Awards, 1956
Best Action Anime Of 2024 ?
Anyone else fans of The Clash?
1988 Hollywood California
Demi Moore celebrates Bruce Willis’ 70th birthday with photos of their family: ‘Happy birthday, BW! We love you ❤️’
My grandfather smoking a cigar after his unit took a Nazi camp during WWII.
What is one movie scene that was unforgettable/and or left an impact on you?
Elon finally lashes out at Bill Burr using his sock puppets
Earnest Hemingway shooting a cigarette out of my uncle's fingers in 1952.
People are hypocrites
Fat rockers retire please !
ONN 4K Pro and Bluetooth headphones.
First bong. How much water should I put in? To where?
i haven't been able to log in for over an hour now
Slapped on my friend’s 2018 Model 3’s windshield in Sherman Oaks, CA today
Actors who ruined America?
Looking for a vet in the West SFV.
Ernest Hemingway, 1952
Where you guys wee
onn tv 4k wifi slow as hell?
So…how many of your weirdos are wiping your dick after you pee?!