What spell is this? How would one learn it?
maybe maybe maybe
Esența lui Shrek
Ma simt ca ultimul om
Guys what episode is this from?
amazing curve
I Really Like Idols NGL
KB Ice Nova of frost bolts showcase
Combinatie compozitie Shaormaaaaaa
I had a dream where Redditors started calling people a 'mop' as an insult
In urma cu cateva luni: Lasconi nu are experienta, e femeie, nu are ce cauta la presedintie. Acum: Votez masiv Gavrila. Ba, astia, cum reusiti sa treceti strada fara sa dea masina peste voi? ca si acolo ai nevoie de un minim de inteligenta..
Crab rave!
Can I start this game and succeed without looking up builds?
Intrebare tracking
Is there a ELIF way of learning this game?
Solder not sticking to new tip
Brain off, ChatGPT on
fuckability of gregtech machines
For those whose introduction to Metal was Metallica, which metal band did you become a fan of next? Other than Megadeth.
Game Streaming în ziua de astăzi?
Intrebare VPN Romania
Question for resistors
HR-ul nu o arde pe r/programare, studiul de caz
Multimeter test leads??