Assert your dominance. Fear has to switch sides!
What kind of house is this? (Season 6, Maine, The Lowland)
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Things feel easier now that I know how to use the highrange gearbox and the high gear.
Now this image is burned into my retinas
One last hug
(Personal kill record) 320 kills on Co-op Tell using M249 and Alpha AK
Why are these two Tatra so expensive compared to other trucks that are much more capable and have many more addons?
Why do I constantly only get to be an insurgent rather than the security?
Leaked Footage (11 mins) 1080p - Ripped from YouTube before takedown
What truck can you not get into and why?
Underrated game mode
Can you feel my disappointment as well?
Happy Tatra FORCE
this guy has been hacking on domination all day, everyone on both teams reports him every round, still there - can anyone DO something about this? User qiulunhua, multiple VAC bans on the steam account SteamNWI:76561199319132400
Unclearable landslide in Maine? No problem.
If you don't use an curated/organised fleet, AND you leave a lot of vehicles deployed, which truck do you not feel bad about having many deployed at once?
Was trying something in the training range when I realized that SF Security had voice lines for shooting down Cleric. Is there a mode when this could happen?
Compatible mags?
Why do so many people prefer official instead of community servers? Genuinely curious.
Everything is a shortcut if you're brave enough
"DayZ in 2025" roadmap and update 1.27 article.