I like em juicy
Something isn’t working and I can’t put my finger on it
Does your tortie let you brush them?
What's this building?
What vibe is this kitchen?
Meet Margot 🥰
Anyone in the arts industry?
My gray boi says hi
Damn someone mustve wanted that omelette so bad
Need name ideas for my new kitty I can’t seem to think of one that fit her
AIO to my husband (we’re both 45) being friends with a 31 year old woman that he works with who he also texts often (messages are between him and her)
What sucked as a child but is awesome as an adult?
I may have found the ugliest shirt on earth today.
My boy Floppers
What is this interior design called?
Can somebody please tell me what i’m missing in this shelf? 🤔
Thinking of moving here.. is this area safe?
What is an animal you absolutely will not eat no matter what?
What's something your partner wanted you to try but you refused immediately?
From perfect marriage to divorce in 2 month
I lost my cat to a freak accident and I can't move on
Closing on a home soon. Has anyone followed any cultural traditions during move in?
just a beautifully cooked egg
Slightly jammy boiled eggs