This is gonna make me sound insane isn't it
Imagine if...
Making the DoG's theme in different styles Part 3 - Traditional Japanese
Making the DoG's theme in different styles Part 2 - Church (Played by the Righteous Hand of the Father {With his consent})
What's an album where EVERY song is a 10/10?
(shitpost) I Haven't played ROR 1 or 2 before but..
Mithrix makes a mistake (RoR)
Mithrix makes a mistake
Which Undertale OST got you like this?
Which song has you feeling like this?
Another reason to hate Shueisha..
GPT what the fuck
I'm able to Tolerate opinions but saying Noxus is better then the Avatar because of (Nostalgia) I will touch you virtually and physical (Read below before Commenting)
Pick a number get a song. 1-207
v1 cuts too many trees and angers the tree gods
Making the DoG's theme in different styles Part 1 - French
Every player after Scal and Exos be like... (sorry if I made some bad traduction or misspelling, english is not my first language...)
Sundowner, but he's invincible (OC)
Noelle's the type of girl to spend $50,000 for Susie
Ts presentation was so tuff 🔋🔋🔋
"Listening to video game music is weird"🤓
How does dantes guns work?
Favourite youtuber?
Who knows how to fix this?
Daring y'all to roast my music taste... I'll wait