International School in China Asking for Salary Expectations
In Interstellar (2014) the physicist shows absolutely no emotions when finally meeting his colleagues after waiting alone for 23 years on an isolated spaceship like it’s a common thing to do
Is the expression “passport bro” offensive to passport bros?
Worst and best behaved students?
Help teaching Adults!
Leaving the classroom and teaching online instead. Your thoughts?
Magyarország új viccpártja: a Jobbik
The USS Missouri had 2,700 crew in WW2. Yet in the movie Battleship, it was manned by 5 old farts.
Another age-fail with Joaquin Phoenix. Joker and Bruce Wayne should be around the same age. So why the fuck is Arthur 30 years older in Joker?
The real Napoleon was 26 years old during the royalist uprising. Joaquin Phoenix was 48 in that scene.
I am Looking for a job
[29 F] what can I do to look more beautiful?
How do I meet a bro? (F here)
Need some English Professors
Got an offer at goFluent? Should I take it?
Tired of Schrole
Any companies that anyone would actually recommend?
Teaching online
Better Oppotunity
Moving to Da Nang this month
Job re-posted after final round interview
Teacher Record
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