Vacuum cleaning my apple keyboard
I hope they kill that Humdinger. Thinks he's so big.
Allow me to put this scene into perspective for you
Ah, venomous burn.
10 hours into Suikoden HD
Chad adds another collaboration
Main Cast as final party challenge
Maas out here catching strays in the epilogue.
Misdirection Jokes
All MCU apocalyptic events happen at once what’s the outcome?
What helps your anxiety (non medical)?
*Children screaming "MCDONALD'S! MCDONALD'S! MCDONALD'S!"*
Who is the least physically attractive president?
It’s probably my hundredth rewatch of the series, and I just noticed something for the first time.
Who's the hottest non leading character?
Let's just walk around and make fun of this stuff.
Just for fun - pick your top 5 from the pictured guitarists!
Don't you know the poem? Water water everywhere so let's all have a drink!
I just realised CJ stands for Captain Jason
MJ and the Presidents
Consecutive posts on my page. Coincidence? I think not
Who's this? Kinda Sus.
Pete and Pete
Adam Scott & Rob Lowe Swap "Parks & Rec" Memories | Literally! with Rob Lowe