How do you become your own best friend?
Trying to get back into reading after many years, need recommendations
You’re in a room full of your book boyfriends, who are you running to first and why?
At what point do you bring up sex and kink in a relationship?
I (19, student) really want to meet more like-minded people
My biggest form of self-care: my hobbies, what are yours?
Having a book buddy would be perfect.
I finished Manacled and I am unwell
How to get over the feeling of no one ever choosing you and not being important to anyone?
Transitioning from a breakup
34M Looking for a book buddy for Fantasy / Sci Fi
I am looking for GOTfans!
Someone in the comment section said zodiac academy is literally the show ‘Fangs and Bangs’ Lehaba was watching in CC
Does someone still have the link to Manacled?
What’s a cool unique magic system you have invented?
why aren't fallen angels as popular as vampires?
New to Genre - Why so many young girls with creepy old fae?
What’s the most unhinged reason you dnf’ed a book?
What kind of people do you keep in your life, and what kind do you distance yourself from?
For those who’ve had a shitty day
Do you think I will eventually finish, if I read something else for now?
Is it worth it
Almost tried to self delete.
Rhysand is not a high lord
Just finished book 5