Why was Snake Eater never released with the “greatest hits” label?
Some of my favourite screenshots from the RTX Remake!
better to be a devil's advocate than an angel's executioner
More daytime Ravenholm RTX scenes
Day 9: Producing the Worst Movie possible
New to emulation, suggestions?
Me and bro
Podemos ponernos de acuerdo que la Sexta Generación fue la unica generación donde todas las consolas fueron espectaculares?
Best Halo for 4 Player splitscreen?
Should I get this game and which one should ai start with?
Couldn't decide on which colorway so I mocked up gc button swaps quickly
Games to play in bed, before going to sleep
Is Bumpmapping and Older Textures Fixed On The Modern Port of CE?
Mad excited to see Ellie take down whole WLF, scars and rattlers …. What scenes from part 2 are you all excited for?
you sure about that?
I think he's just fuckin with us all at this point
Turn Based Combat, for steam
I just made this new character, what should I name him?
MGS2: Ps2 or Ps5
¿Qué opinan de la segunda trilogía de Star Wars?
Mencionen películas que les hagan decir
Is mgs4 worth a go?
What is the probability of half of this working?
What do people think of Sayid here?