My cat has a weird rash/bump under his ear
What gauge is this piercing? It’s a regular labret
Think I got bit by a spider, it’s been there a few days now. Do I need to do anything?
Accidentally got baby bangs. What can I do to style this better?
What kind of music do you guys listen to?
Who’s your favorite metal band?
Best pair of noise canceling headphones for loud public places?
Do you enjoy/not mind any sensory things that other autistic people usually dislike or vice versa?
What's a great movie that's mostly just dialogue?
What do you think the MBTI of the Three Fires from team Magma are?
lemme see ur black cats and what you named them. this is Bo
What is this Red banded Leafhopper doing on his little tail thing(i don’t know the proper name)
Can’t help crying at work because I miss my cat
Can anyone tell me what this is? Should I be scared?
What are you listening to on your current or recent one song only kick?!
[TOMT] what is this song?
What was the most fucked up thing someone said to you?
His name is Beg
What are some genuine reasons to live?
How can i fight the random wave of exhaustion when I’m just trying to simply exist?
What is everyone’s adhd obsessive song at the moment?
Is it okay to do these lines and dots? Does it mean anything?
Had a first kiss yet?
[TOMT] Song that has this same chord progression as a certain part of Saboten Record.