It is wild to me how few QoL improvements have been made to Retainers since launch.
I haven't missed a daily and am done with all my weeklies, I'm only half way through the first item on the last page of the battle pass, what am I missing?
A PSA from Schreier
Embark, please adjust the interrupt 10 times weekly.
Can you see it?
Promoted to Spectator..
( ^w^)( ^w^)(^w^)(^w^ )(^w^ )
Jump Bug
What I wouldn't give to play this again
tried buying the 9.99 caliber pack with $10 in my steam wallet. And it won't let me. shit is broken
Incendiary bomb should be base kit for Blair
Transcendent weapons?
Going into the Mission Result Screen every time for restarting a mission is tedious. We need a shortcut.
Please fix Mantling
Hinted Season 4 Details today?
I wish we could get a different channel/section of YouTube videos without chat.
Looking for a farming partner?
Enzo makes today's invasions really fast
I'm glad the Vulgus newsletter has some fun games for them.
PS5 Controllers are TERRIBLE😭
Anyone else notice a lot of items disappearing off the ground?
Hailey gameplay
Vaults should always be able to be opened - and code breakers/analyzers give increased rewards.
50% of my game time is spent farming materials for Catalysts and Activators.
A tip to make the Anode Ion Particle farm just a little more bearable.