“What if you’re wrong and God is real?”
Anyone Else Struggle Finding Other Atheist to Date?
Tips for Appetite Control?
Kiss Marry Kill Greys Edition
God vs Man - the double standards
Who has been the worst doctor?
I Love This
Peta why rainbow colour?
Wednesday: Project day
“It’s not a loneliness crisis . It’s an entitlement crisis.”
“If we break up, I’m done with men.”
Am I crazy or could Minnick & Robbins totally be twin sisters?? They have the same face and hairstyle, just in different colors 😂
marriage seems like a trap
Seven men arrested in Japan for raping daughters, sharing footage in chat group
I want to heal the wound
Merideth looses the light in her eyes after Derek’s ————
What Were Your Signs? I’ll start…
New Members Introduction Post
Favorite April Kepner Moment?
Can Anyone relate?
For non 4b women who are lurking here and questionimg our choice.
Saw this comment under a 4b video on YouTube.
make comments look like her search history
What are your thoughts on the 4B movement?
Are any of you close friends with men?