What do you do when you can’t wash your face?
Do You Live in Your Own Little World
How do you deal with the fear of destitution?
About to turn 30, what's the thing I should spend money on to prepare for this phase of life?
For those with big egos, has aya helped you relax and find your balance?
Can we talk about shampoo & conditioner for a minute?
What is your favorite psychedelic
Do you have or plan to have a child?
Utterly fed up of Cambridge, don't know whether to stick it out.
Older aroace people (30+), how is your life like?
Do you also agree being an early bird isn't in humans genetics?
I don’t know how to find a job
Ayahuasca just long dmt trip?
Connect Me to humanity
Who would look after you if you broke both arms?
Is a keto/low carb dieta possible before a ceremony?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
DMT and trauma
What's Your Secret Health Hack That Almost Nobody Knows?
Im sad that I’ll probably never have kids and a family
If you could, would you take Mondays or Fridays off work?
When will things change ?
Do you talk too much to people you don’t know very well?
how to talk to people at parties
Which food do you eat every day or almost every day?