Both excellent films! Which one do you personally consider to be better and what do you think that?
Antihero + revenge movies
Parasite (2019)
Which is your favorite main trio in film history and what makes them resonate with you?
Which Ghibli Film Caused You A Emotional Breakdown
What’s a popular movie that everyone loves, but you just don’t get the hype for?
Poor characters who are morally questionable and take advantage of others for selfish reasons and due to genuine economic struggles.
What movie is 10/10, yet hardly anyone has heard of it?
Looking for a movie that deals with the theme of redemption.
The Cherry Orchard [櫻の園] 1990 • Shun Nakahara
Tarantino like movies
Who’s your favourite female lead?
What are some of your favorite horror performances?
Lucy vs Ken
movies with girls who are very freaky and weird
What is the greatest internet movie of all time, in your opinion?
Favorite character who's undeniably a good person?
Who's your favorite character!?
What is your top three favorite 2014 films?
Ok, I also love this trope too but this is just funny to make into a "loved trope".
[Loved Trope] Male Characters that have breakdowns from the pain/trauma they experience
Underrated controversial movies
What is a pattern theme, message and philosophies you notice in your favorite movies?