KAK Nylaug Gas Block (Update)
SuS Nylaug Pack (Accessories)
Annealing PA6-GF. Water vs. Dry Air?
Nylaug question
Moisture conditioning pa612cf?
Surface defects caused by file size?
Surface defects caused by file size.
annealing Fiberon (Polymaker) PA6-CF?
Wow what a difference
FTN 3.5 vs 4 pros and cons?
After the release of the CAR 15 stock, I got bullied into making another retro looking stock. Inspired by the Sopmod stock. Going on the printer tonight
Get stuck on odd page when fresh starting F360 with no way of exiting. Have to end task manually and then relaunch. How to fix?
Bricklayers Update: Now works with Non-Planar infilll!
K1 Max Main board
I put the GRS in a 300BLK AR
K1 Max Can't Handle Orca Slicer 'Fuzzy Skin'....?
Hoffman SL-9 weakness
TAC 9 SS update OOB
What triggers does everyone use for their ar9 builds?
9mm Nylaug
Nylaug barrel
Lots of AUG parts
Before and after Spring Swap
Nylon filament drying options
Bed Mesh is floating above Flat (K1 MAX)