Ongoing discussion: too high or optimal?
Lowest/worst credit score u had?
Which do you prefer 14in or 16 inch MacBook Pro?
Why do I constantly have to restart my phone. If I don’t make a call for a day, it won’t call. Just sits and says connecting. Then I restart and it works? The phone is new.
Kia making scraping noises
My Rankings of their Studio Albums
As a sole volunteer, I work in my free time to help remove illegal dumping across the San Francisco Bay Area
HOLY SHANIA TWAIN. Just saw a giant dark figure run from behind the wizards castle. Easter egg?
Created a custom shirt for me and my bros to rock at the Dallas show.
If you could swap lives with any character for a day, who, and what would you do?
What is the saddest or most emotionally jarring scene you’ve ever seen in science fiction?
Who's your favorite out of them and why? Part 1
Introducing Pixel, my new Soul ❤️
Leaked audio of Caris LeVert trash-talking Kuminga and Draymond defending him, telling LeVert "You've been traded 7 times"
My collection of air guitars
I just don’t get some players…
LPT: If you find yourself mindlessly snacking, eat baby carrots.
Live Clip of Saosin - They Perched on their Stilts....
It's funny people still do these builds
How I open a bag of flour without tearing it to pieces
Am I right or ??
Little did the mascot know, approaching that guard would make history
The insanity of new MacBook syndrome (how I scratched my screen and learned to accept it)
I know it'd be tough but if you had to pick top 3 from these popular and beloved superhero movies, what would you pick?