What could cause an actual, sudden collapse of critical systems?
What could cause an actual, sudden collapse of critical systems in modern civilization?
[Spoilers MAIN] Do you think GRRM actually has an elaborate answer to the mysteries that we theorize about, or did he just outline stuff without actual concepts behind them?
If the High Sparrow condemned Cersei for his incestuous relationship with Jaime then how did he acknowledge King Tommen who was born from that relationship as a ruler?
Is the homo sapiens hard-wired in evolutionary terms to exterminate most of the biosphere and possibly itself? What could really slow down this process?
ELI5: Why do we see the stars when they are so far away?
Is there some trick to take the Transsiberian railway trip to Vladivostok and fly back to Europe as cheap as possible?
Can you learn Russian without being exposed to it in Russian-speaking environment?
Searching for slow news podcasts
Theory: In the movie The Others the husband is actually not dead, he's just comatose
What's the true reason you're learning russian?
Do you think this guy is really a foreigner that has learnt to speak Russian? (link below)
A runt from a native about how my language is taught
How could I find a programme where I could immerse myself in the language, travel and make friends in Russia?
Why is spoken Russian so different from the Russian you learn at school?
Will people stop using Russian in Ukraine in the future because of the war?
Can you get along with Russian in Tajikistan?
How much is Tajikistan affected by tourism? Are there many backpackers?
Какой (-ая, ое, ие) vs. каков (ова итд). Can someone clarify the difference to me?
Looking for friends to talk in Russian
Why do you learn Russian?
I was told in Bosnia that there are only two caravanserais in the world that are still operating today. One of them is in Sarajevo. Where is the other?
I sometimes want to drink some whiskey because it helps me relax. Is this something of the road to become an alcoholic?
Can I ask why so many foot guys seem to like feet to be really big?