The notes said they left a cash tip by the door.
WBP Pic Tube GF-3
Does anyone else find it weird our cars don’t model eachother ?
Help me
Switched from Glock 19 to 43X, then FN Reflex… Big Mistake?
Found this walking to the store what is it?
Did you know Missouri has more than 57,000 federal workers?
i’m a fan
Safest Way to Cover This Up?
Two St. Louis locations to recognize President’s Day today.
AAC ex-SBR lower only - What to do with it?
Benton Park West Neighborhood
Local Protest Megathread
my ferret ripped a hole in the bottom of my couch lol
Budu… 🦅
Every 3d Printed Suppressor company at shot show had a cut out showcasing their internals but CAT still doesnt?
Bad trash 😞 tired of this
ICE deportations
There is no way my car is making it out the alley
64 days from the mayoral election and trash collection is still out of control!
10.3 rc2 h3 supersafe
I feel so dumb. Can someone ELI5 soccer game tickets?
What the hell is Q smoking on lol?