What’s the most epic and grand battle/war to ever occur in science fiction?
Postoji li neka narodna izreka koje se često sjetite u životu?
Games like Hades?
Ufo ili neki prirodni fenomen
“I’ll beat you with a pistol grip”
Vi koji ste prije išli u crkvu i više ne idete, šta vas je navelo da prestanete?
Biste li izbrisali čovječanstvo?
What do you think is the single funniest joke/one liner in the entire show?
button not showing right color
Which one of you did this?
Koja pjesma vas je toliko dirnula da ste pustili suze?
What’s Nightwish’s heaviest song?
100 years to lose to the Reapers?
Yield the subreddit, mods or I'll kill Lord Edmure!
Igre koje ste si kupili ali su ispale razočaravajuće?
Koji su vam najgori pjevaci po karakteru/osobnosti? Moze i ovo drugo...
Ignoring the fact Jack isn't in it, what does everyone think of Legacy?
Who owns the Malibu beach house in Real Life?
We need Bill right now
In terms of being an exploration ship, the Tempest is perfect as she is.
What other games comes close to FL?
Kako bi ste postavili krevet u sobi u ovoj situaciji (feng shui)?
Lewis riding his customised MV Agusta F4 in Monaco
Zlatno doba europskih pograničnih sukoba
i always laugh when jack start an interrogation by throwing the table