Lesbians under attack in r/InfinityNikki
Higher Education Comedy
Why do so many EX and Savage fights start off with a raid wide aoe?
Holy shit, holy shit!
Thoughts on Arena after 150 games
M7N PF in a nutshell
Left-leaning content creator Contrapoints released a new video. r/Breadtube argues if Contra is truly a leftist or a liberal shill whose fans barley even watch her videos
I've never seen this many crimes committed against the purple race:
Helpful tool for choosing Dance Partner:
7.2 MSQ
[Spoiler: 7.2 MSQ Please SE make this character part of the main cast. Even the shitpost sub unironically loves this character]
This is where Final Fantasy peaked
FFX's post game is a nightmarish grindfest
"Buddy I studied econ while you were sucking on your mom's teet": drama inflates about stagflation on r/economics
Reading this sub I'm convinced there are only 4 final fantasies.
Day 1 of AAC Cruiserweight Tier
Patch 7.2 - Seekers of Eternity
Would You Drive This Batmobile?
What is a Paragon or Renegade option you choose regardless of your playthrough?
Wish this DLC was longer, it had the best shenanigans.
Can someone verify
wow guys arena is really fun i bet people won't play the same champions over and over
i cant even believe this :D IM GOLD !!!!!!
Arena ASPD Builds
I can't be the only one who sees a Reaper in this dress