Wth did i catch (it's not frozen mutation it's prismize)
50 cent
Is this rare? I got it from some guy I also got an enchanted relic!
im looking for someone to help me get into the trident rod room i can pay you (in game items) help you or give you extra enchantment shards
Dm me if u have any scyllas
Need exalted relics how many can I get trading these
I still remember this
Trading Moby Deck lol I’m
How tf am I supposed to get an abyssal enchant relic bro I've appraised so much and no abyssal if anybody has one pls let me know if I can have it
Giving away a Travis Scott fish
Anyone interested?
An Absolute Heart Breaker 💔
Trading Moby
Fisch do your gods work
Eternal Abyss
How do I get the lantern?
I need some rock jokes/puns since I can't think of any
Me being absolutely annoyed.
What do you think about the baby pond emperor?
Trading moby
Mods ban this kid he scammed me
LF Moby, NGF
THEREALTOASTER scammed me of a ssb phantom megalodon