Hilarious photo
Ugh!!! Can't take it anymore!!!
Free snarking
Let’s see how fast I get blocked
Besides Hailey Devine what other Utah Influencers are using their kids for likes and follows?
This is all I see when I see the photo for this sub
Don’t be like me & go on a deep dive. You may come across a video like this. A cord shoved up Christian’s ass while wearing a thong. This folks, is what your tax dollars are supporting while our unemployed sloths scam the government.
She wouldn’t know…she’s always on her back not in happy baby position….
More stupid posts
jacqueline woodwell fake video
Warning: this video is so pointless and boring
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
Let’s start with the weird a$$ dad
the video y’all. she has no shame
Our Lexi Mae
Solo Parenting vs Single Parenting
Good mama!!!
I guess they're moving close by
Slow Sunday
Coffee4sage sage Pache’s baby daddy arrested again yesterday
Meal prepped? This is not a meal, nor it is a healthy protein. It’s a dessert. She needs to see a nutritionist so they can teach her how to properly feed herself and her family. Our crunchy mama doesn’t have a clue
More sleep content
Mamas milky