Lifting is part time job for him
If the system cannot provide us with Healthcare, social security, or even a living wage, then what's the point?
Israeli soldiers exposing their genitals at checkpoints
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
How thick is the ice at lake baikal
They’re not even trying to hide it.
Trump is trying to void Biden’s pardons claiming they were done by auto pen without his knowledge
AOC is the Leader of the Democratic Party
This is the only weight loss video I've watched to the end
The Senate Democrats that Sold us Out, led by Chuck Schumer more worried about his new Book Tour
Senator John Fetterman (Dem) mocks Democrats who were against the Republican funding bill
What was the end game? What did we think would realistically happen?
The Dems betrayed you for nothing. The US government is currently shutdown. Info in post.
CR Bill still not signed… so what now?
Democrats Push AOC to Take Schumer’s Seat After Shutdown Surrender: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has managed to do the impossible: unite almost the entire left (against him).
Senator John Fetterman mocks Democrats calling for government shutdown: "Showing up at every knife fight with a casserole"
House Democrats rally behind AOC, encourage her to primary Schumer
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
The CR (H.R. 1968) has passed in the senate 54 to 46
Senator Jon Ossoff Is Voting Against the Republican House Budget Proposal
AITA for expecting my husband to help me retire after 32 years of separate finances?
Shutdown megathread OF DOOM
Husband says I can't have dinner because I served family first
Street Names should not touch other Streets with the same name
Admit it- bros sometimes pee sitting