Why does Black hair require so much product?
Why does subtle filters work better than the average phone camera?
Are filters close to what we look like in real life?
Can I use this oil on my hair?
Women with a strong chin — does it make them look better or worse?
Would you say she has a timeless beauty? Why?
Which of these ladies do you find the most attractive?
Which one of these ladies do you find the most attractive and why?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Does anyone find Olivia character Irritating?
Which song have you been listening to a lot recently?
Are you scared of the idea of killing someone?
why does men love Ryan Reynolds so much?
My friend is too freaky
AIO My Boyfriend is Addicted to Family Guy
If aliens landed tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d say to them?
How did you meet your friends?
What do y’all think about Lizzo
just remembered when i relapsed on my birthday (self harm) 😭😭😭😭
my best friend surprised me with concert tickets she won, but i don’t want to go. how should i tell her?
do you think gay people should be loved and appreciated
This is a very stupid question but what do yall call people older than you who you dont know or associate with personally? By name feels rude idk why im confused
Sex appeal of my OC?
18M, I'm looking for a friend, anyone really, just want a companion.
What's the common lie people tell themselves?