High temps on CECH 2000B
What do we think of this ps3?
New announcement!!
What more can you ask for than a PS2, PS3, PS4 and PS5?
What PS2 game you played growing up was the perfect blend of not too easy not too hard?
Weird purple red darks on one side
Went out of my way to take a pic of every CRT I found in the house (which is in the middle of a junkyard, I also got permission from the owner to explore)
Found this TV
Whatcha think of my collection?
I got PS2 Sakura Edition but…
What are your opinions on a KH anime covering the events of all the game?
HP1130 :3
The Goodwill find wheel works!
Help with Sony trinitron monitor
I have 2 CRTs, they BOTH started doing this yesterday.
Name some PS2 Games you have on your PS3
Does the Playstation 2 has trouble reading DVD movies?
update to my last post - it works! and it even supports ntsc so my japanese gamecube looks so good on it too!
what is the best looking album cover iyo?
What's your least favorite Dead Sara song?
How is it possible for my GTA4 version to be 1.09, if the newest update is 1.08?! (Installed via PKG-I)
Give me a random PSP game