Does long hair suit me?
Should I keep my hair or just cut it off? I'm at a loss.
Thought you guys looked cool.
Is it time?
Looking for suggestions on jeans that don’t hang off my legs like JNCOs
I got my hair cut with a number 0 guard for the first time 21m.
27M hit me hard with it
A Yeard of Growth, should i keep it?
What do I even do
Do you guys see any potential ? I let it grow for about 4 weeks( i’m 24)
First time. My mom cried??
Thought my hair looked really good here
i got a buzz recently and i want to know if it suits me
Little chin strap
m22, i wanna grow my hair out till shoulder length, what do you think?
Didn't realise there was no guard on the shaver
[TOMT] Searching for an old PS1 game
Turned 40, trying a new look, keep or delete?
Could long hair work for me?? used to have it like this years ago and wanna try it again!
Keep or shave the 'patch??
Difference two years can make
In my 40s and still flowing the mane.
Beard. Yes or no?
I get nothing but insults from fragile men on instagram, but i post one time on reddit and get nothing but love. Thank you
No hair to full beard, 1 year apart