How do I get this messy look in my straight asian hair?
What time does your school start?
If your American, who did you root for in the election?
Would you rather be an overrated or underrated music artist?
Do I need a good diet if I am skinny with high metabolism?
do you all agree with trump's deportations of undocumented immigrants?
Comment smth and I'll guess your gpa
Find Mate in 13 for Black
my mans starting his lone wolf arc 😭🙏🙏
Do people actually enjoy life?
Regret supporting Trump?
i said the n word in front of the class today
How to always play white on
Give me your favorite song and I’ll rate it.
do you think that the American founding fathers would approve of the current state of the US government?
Is the USA becoming a fascist country?
Is it gay to _____
Most overrated music artist in your opinion?
Worst artist in your opinion?
why is Bc3 and Bxb2 not brilliant moves?
what does using your hand and making a cutting motion at your neck mean?
Is democracy a broken system?
I'm a masochist... fighting the tides of reddit
how invested are you in politics
Dear girls, which hair color do you think is the best looking for guys.