Jack’s Caught In A Scenario Where He Has To Sacrifice Kim. Would He?
Ignoring the fact Jack isn't in it, what does everyone think of Legacy?
Can someone recommend me a not so popular comedy movie that you personally think is good? Going through a tough time right now and I just need a little laugh.
Why do people dislike Aiden while they love characters like Batman?
Every single one of you has a mission
My Zoom H4 Essential ran out of battery after 1 Hour
Day 6/10: The comments have voted Tony Almeida as a morally grey with opinions divided. Next who is a horrible person but opinions are divided?
We all love the show but I want to hear what you all hate about the show ?
So little info on the Watch Dogs movie
VHS-C to VHS Adapter for Digital Conversion
Mahone cracking the code (don't they have code-cracking cybersecurity people in the FBI?)
The same thing
Zoom H4Essential plugged into Mixer question
Mahone Return is needed
Re-examining day 6
The only way to truly end "24"
24 prequel
Does anyone notice stuttering on PS5 The Callisto Protocol home screen as the camera pans forward? Like the motion hiccups a little?
'Paris Has Fallen' is really good, a nice stand in until we get more 24
How were the Ratings this year ?
Where can I watch?
How I handle TLOU2 PTSD: "Replay TLOU1 and act like TLOU2 DOES NOT EXIST." It actually works. I've been replaying TLOU1 and it slowly has cured my depression over TLOU2. Anybody else do this?
List of the most annoying characters in prison break
BP and Lily to go