She cleaned off the counter and started her robot vacuum. What a joke
Two things 1. Cannot convince me that she isn’t gardening while bf.. 2. God damn Addison is looking rough
Omg it’s so much uglier than I thought
@ Mods can we get some flairs please 🔥
what is different??? Lol
I don’t understand
Nemo Release
Odd thing to say when you’re flying to your bff’s dad’s funeral 🤡
Amy's IG story
Did they even do this trend right?
Daily Thread / March 11
Baby b
Soooooo once again our copy cat queen strikes...but we knew it. Saw this reel and you can tell it's during Christmas. And then dear Lexi has to post it now. Not an original thought in her body!!!
Lip flip??
Blood sugar
Sam commented 🥺
Mamas doing it all this morning!
For real? She considers doing her hair and arm work out? Oh sweet Lexi....get frickin real! Your arms are in great shape from scooping all that grub into your mouth!
You literally get Botox, filler, and are naturally thin. Your face does not look like this because of your insane 5 min facial manipulation routine.
Drue 2.0
TSS Mickey print
No one loves Chloe more than Chloe