Resumo do sub
Something is wrong here 🤔
Screen filckers then blacks out
My momo cosplay
Which verse is relying the most on 1 specific feat/statement to scale higher ?
Ovensmash isn’t even out and I already have my favorites
How accurate do you guys think these comparisons are?
I think she's cute
This pic so fire bro
Woke = ruim
Minha humilde janta
Usou o termo bostil já perdeu o argumento
Genuine question what’s stopping Kaido from treating each admiral like this?
Nada novo no front
Biotipos, qual seu preferido
Was Alien X not enough for the Big Bang or too much? and even if He is too much or at least more than suffice then why didn't He stayed as him and no need to go back to Feedback?
sobre Assassin's Creed
99% das tirinhas desse maluco deviam estar aqui
Isabel eu não prático terrorismo
Está evoluindo ou não?