7th ever. Flames is dead.
What do you think are the chances of this happening?
Guess where i am Geoguessers
My take on the Legendary Joker concept :D
Title or whatever
A when the whenthe post? no way
fill lobbies for the next week or so
This is madness
Open or keep?
i drew my top 3 used jokers (nsfw tag to be safe)
What (mass produced, no liberty prime or something akin) robot from Fallout would you want at your beck and call? I'm partial to Assaultron. My reasons are my own.
You have one knife to keep with you forever and you cannot change. Why would it be Karambit or butterfly?
Went thirty-seven minutes without thinking about the heat death of the universe and rewarded myself with these gloves, which knife combo do we feel
Happy birthday Chad Roberts
You can't beat me. I'm Waluigi
How a trucker/gamer is born
My contribute to the weird hand post
Geodude (sort of) made out of pistachio shells
Grog poster update: ASA responds
This style saved the skin in my opinion lol
Destined Rivals - New Cards Revealed
What are your favorite goofy/ weird art cards
am at work don't send NSFW pwease😩