Is it ok not to tell my friend I'm trans
what will happen to our healthcare realistically?
Where do I even go for hysto and v-ginectomy
Anyone in here have Dr. Stranix from UVA in Virginia perform their phalloplasty?
What's sensation like after ED implant?
Dr. Stranix/UVA experiences?
Pharmacy gave me 3ml needles
Feeling lost
how long is each electroylsis session?
how to talk about phallo with my family?
Online Masters programs accepted?
Are undergrads allowed to walk for December graduation?
I’m having so much trouble wrapping my head around propping postop in public
where do i even start??
5dpo Vaginectomy, and Hysterectomy
How long after stage 2 could you submerge in water?
SP Catheter Urine/Blood Output
Double Major Ideas in Psychology
packer help??
Is it too late to start Lions Mane and magnesium after stage 2?
How to find research opportunities post-undergrad?
For guys who had wound separation
Does anyone know what this means?
Testosterone providers in MN
How to navigate scar care