Older guys - are they really interested?
Echo and Shadow meet an Alpaca that suddenly appears after they return from a walk.
This man had kids for one reason.
Doctor won’t give me Estrogen with TRT
To all Ladies in sales, I have a question .. 💅
Was there a reason Walt couldn’t just get a better job?
This is driving me crazy.
SO TIRED the fatigue is unreal
My Dad Left Us 15 Years Ago – Now He’s Dying and Wants Me to Take Care of Him. I Don’t Know What to Do
Members of Living Alone, what’s your occupation and where do you live?
I forgot monk was in pain and gain lol
NYT article gift link: What testosterone can, and can't, do for women after menopause
Anyone with 30-ish lbs to loose, with good exercise habits and metabolically in good shape. What’s your dosage and journey has been like? Are you premenopausal on top of that?
Spotted at Kroger
Losing weight in your 40s
Had a go with coloured walls. Which one do you prefer?
Best place to apply T cream?
Rewatch after 7 years. Anyone jealous??
Duke gets the hiccups in his sleep
Battling fatigue
A dirty dog is a happy dog! Show me your mucky pups
Meet Duke! Born this morning 3-Feb-2024
Sound asleep
I’ve never seen an iggie like the snow!
Please Put Ruby In Your Thoughts And Prayers Tonight As Both Of Her Favourite Toys Fell Off The Lounge And She Was Unable To Get Them