Setting with back facing the net
New set coming today on pbe?
Approximately how BM is it to hold 31 Poppy’s when someone has Witchy Wallop?
Losing with Eldritch 10 on double up
Who is this
Dominate and front trigger
Stride deckset expected cost
Dental Assisting without a license or registering in Washington
Nuvorea skill procing on opponent turn
Drajeweled’s effect
is it generally whoever goes first wins?
Is it worth it applying this cycle to UW SOD?
DAT Bootcamp subscription 50ish days left, looking to sell
Anyone Taking M E 123 AUT22 want to switch quiz sections?
(JP) Today's Card 4/27 (Neo Nectar)
Is Shirayuki supposed to -20k on both the leader and the mate? It wasn't like this before G
I was constructing my Blademaster deck and I was looking for more draw power, but I came across something odd...
So about those event boost skins... we've got a problem. They rotate. Not gonna be fun needing to invest in new ones every single event to optimize the grind. :\
I've gotten every event fight skin in the game until now. Will there ever be a way to get it again?
Who is this? Wrong answer only
Spike Brother Mirror | Wave 4 Pops Off
D-BT03 DSR Art - Stoicheia & Brandt Gate
Play Time???