The new local pizza joint my neighbor is raving about😳
Help me find this shirt
How often does the average couple have sex?
The Bed of Kha, dating back to approximately 1425–1353 BC, is an extraordinary artifact uncovered in the Theban Necropolis at tomb TT8.
[homemade] hot Italian sliders.
Stress-induced diarrhea
A coworker who has been the bane of my existence for the past 3 years just put in their notice
What ever happened to J. Loren from the band, HURT?
Any remedies here to ease the pain or make the bile pass?
Do you ever play songs or movies from your childhood just so you could go back to simpler times? To feel safe?
New 3D Print of the Ebon Hawk is complete! Now to paint! First is the primer.
anyone tried these?
Pizza Party in The 1980s
Cleveland Indians car I found in my parents' garage
My apples keep spoiling too quickly, please help!
Give our drummer James some love for those kicks
My department looking her finest
Public shaming dine and dashers
My Last Pack When I Quit in 1988. Still have It 37 Years Later
Been decluttering mom’s house, anyone remember this one?
What’s a seemingly normal habit that is actually a major red flag?
She was, in fact, trying to take credit for the big salad
Mr. Burrito grill in Red Bank