first ever live performance of she just won't believe me
I must have watched this 50 times.
This program wrote and published an entire journal article just to dunk on this poor fuck LOL
Where the goddamn hell are we
Bull is getting a statue in downtown Little Rock. Pretty cool.
Unpopular Opinion: This season is going nowhere?
Mau P remix of the Less I Know the Better has been released
Crash near my town and she walked out with only mild injuries and still made it to her destination
Set List from 2014 at Lucky Strike in Las Vegas!
Need opinions
Only way I’ve ever remembered ECG territories
Your favorite comedic moment in a Nolan film
Freebie 10/10
Which song do y'all think has the best guitar riff
What the fuck copper
Icelandic strongman Hafþór Björnsson trims his hair and beard ‘for a movie that he’s filming’
1979 CB 750k LTD
Don’t use AI to replace Netter
How many times have you rewatched it?
My SCU live tone
request for podcast number / clip
If Tame Impala ever did a Super Bowl Halftime show, what’s songs would you want to see?
Fuck this. I'm gay.
Inspiring Quote