Guy approached me in real life and asked for my number but after the date he told me I am not his type
My (29/f) boyfriends (29/m) parents hate me, is there a way to save the relationship ?
Woman insulted my appearance in the metro, how do you get over something like this ?
Aidra Fox
Am I ugly without makeup and when I’m not “posing”?
Got told that my face looks unique and unconventional, and said he didn't mean it in a positive way.. So what do you think ?
Alessia Cara
How to support my girl during her periods?
My male friend tries to ,,steal“ compliments from me or acts like he is superior to me ?
How do I get over the trauma of being completely played in my last relationship by a narc ?
I wrote a letter to the girl I've been dating for a month, is it too cringe? I like her a lot and I can say she likes me
25M Been rejected my whole life and look way older than my age
25M - Midway through improving my look, how am I doing? Advice and ratings appreciated.
Lost weight(99kg to 84) idk why i feel really ugly and am super insecure please be brutally honest
On a scale of 1-10, how do I rate? Be honest
25m. Never had a gf. Never even been on a date. Although I’m starting to think it’s about more than just looks. Also starting to think it might be too late…
Seriously i was never sure, am i ugly or not that bad?
I get insulted a lot at school. I’m not attention seeking I just want honest answers. I have face and body dysmorphia.
Should I hookup with this guy even thought I’m in love with someone else (that i’m not in a couple with) ?
24M. I think I know the answer, but be honest
Thoughts? Beard or no beard?
Rate 1-10/how I can improve. Be brutally honest, you won't hurt my feelings.
What do y’all think? Any ways to improve? Be brutally honest
F22 Self conscious all my life, wondering what I can do better