Which size would you pick?
No effing way, also Incest %? XD
Orc Threat 2 by MalignPoppycock
Has anyone been plagued by "important" notifications lately ?
I'm feeling kinda disappointed on my fav artist
24 yo btw
French Reactor Who Shipped Goldie & Fei Reacts To The Reveal
It's so hard to believe there are people that genuinely think this is a good thing. So many of the comments are praising how it could restrict the 'gross' media but worried it could be used to restrict their 'okay' media. Something something leopards eating faces...
completely normal contestants. nothing has changed.
i absolutely hate politics but i feel this is very important for any proshippers living in texas... but also if happens here i believe it could affect more of the US eventually...
My parents got into an argument, I joined in as I felt like it was important and I don't know what's going to happend, help please
antis on janitor ai being hypocrites as usual (last image is from the comments of an abusive dead dove sukuna bot also created by an anti as well)
What's the most embarrassing way you've failed a Freelancer campaign?
I guess this explains why antis can’t separate fiction from reality
how does this person nearly has 10k followers
Siblings should be able to kiss each other without shame
Is this blurry effect intentional?
Got this on my reddit wrapped and it got me thinking. Have any of you tried writting smut before ?
Opinions on lolisho and general proship things (question in text below pic)
What map is this for you
IOI when they can't ruin the style of suit by putting driving gloves on it.
Can people please stop arguing?