Who is this (wrong answers only)
Why does the chug barrel give less shield then the shield pot???
Something tells me this is going to become the next Juice wrld skin
Hot take: We got the best season 2s right before the worst season 3s
What is one medallion everyone hates but you love? I'll go first.
Can we agree that this season is the most fun season we had in a while?
What season would you consider OG?
what does my favorite skins say about me
my venom devoloes bullet driver broke
what type of person do you think i'm if i like these skins
What skin do you want to see later in this season?
Pov: You try to not use edit on release for the first time and you mess up everything.
"I've Played These Games Before" ahh
Chat GPT needs help 😭 😭
Hot take: These chapter 2 seasons were better than the second half of chapter 1
Pick your loadout
Hot Take: This was the best OG Fortnite brought back
Which season of Chapter 5 was the best?
Can we agree this is the most fun season we had for a long time?
I made fan art, do you like it? (This took me 3 hours please see this I posted the picture of my masterpiece online)
w or L sypher pk edit (took me an 1hr)
Sypher going 808💔💔
What's one fortnite skin you forgot you had? Mine's is Zenith.
Whenever you kill a bot is it just me that notices they always drop a gold sticky grenade launcher?