DMs, what is that one scene in your campaign that hasn’t happened yet?
DnD Players of Reddit, how often do you reuse the same characters as PCs and/or NPCs?
What are uncommon, Rarely used, or Homebrewed Dragons that you've used?
Not sure where to go.
DMs of MrRipper subreddit, have you ever just run a video game's story for a D&D campaign?
DMs/GMs and Players of Reddit: Who are the members of the party in your current campaign?
DM's of Reddit, do you have any homebrewed semi-all-powerful "Neutral" entities wandering the world without your players knowing about?
What are some homebrewed curses or "Monkey's Paw items" you've either used or not yet used?
DnD idea for a "Anti-Magic Religion." Because lore and etc.
Real talk, of all the Automatons, which one is your favorite?
"Super Helldive has more enemies"
To those who remember, what happened to your very first character?
What video game campaign/story can be easily translated into a good D&D/TTRPG campaign?
How do bugs control illegal broadcasts?
There are always so many of these two
Who has not this happened?
DMs of Reddit, when and how did you create a town or city that your players absolutely loved?
How technologically advanced is too advanced for DnD?
Give me your automaton ideas i will draw them
DMs, What fun, wacky or interesting Magic Shops have you created for your campaigns? And if there are any Anti-Murder-Hobo Defenses what are they?
What homebrew spells, races or classes have you made?
DMs, what’s the most unexpected lore question a player has asked you?
All the Emancipator “Good” posts summarized
Whats the funniest way you someone skipped an encounter?