When you enter a contract what is your go to loadout(it has to be SA)
Is it Even flow or Evenflow?
How do I do this?
Should I joi.....I mean...call someone to wake them up?
My grandpa passed and this is the only thing i have left of us dancing to this song. Please find the song
What’s your level?
What is the best item(no guns except for darts)
Newer PJ fan and i want to learn his best underrated songs
Twitch drop wont work(I linked my IOI and twitch)
Fuck everything else, what's yall's go-to lockpick?
I need help to know what to unlock
what's a character on the show who you think is pointless?
What song you picking?
Platinum WOA
Beard, shaved or stache?
Where I want the next red dead redemption game set
Most underrated Uzi song?
How can I improve my looks?
need help with the pen and the sword SA
Tell me your horse names and I will rate them
how to join jynxzi’s discord