Hmm. What's the English equivalent for ..?
The Borg's biggest mistake was not assimilating and cloning the Ferengi early on
Can the Voyager sick bay play holographic Doom?
If someone busted into the Enteprise and killed Spot, would Data go all John Wick on them and would you pay to see that in a cinema?
Worf definitely had a Rastafarian phase as a teen, right?
Holodecks should not have acknowledged uniforms.
What is up with that one Voyager episode where the doctor's sanity is left unresolved?
Janeway was responsible for the death of the Doctor's holographic daughter
Missed oportunity
We all know that he's been smuggling, but what is he smuggling this time?
What are the most common peace time deaths on Earth in TNG era?
I've seen Author Author. It may be the 24th century, but apparently big companies still treat their workers like trash
What superpowers would I get if a radioactive Mr Worf bites me?
Screw G4 and G5. All my homies watch My Horse Little
Ever notice the red tricorder on the sickbay wall in the first season? What was it for?
Ever notice the red tricorder on the sickbay wall in the first season of VOY? What was it for?
Jellico Goes DOGE
The lavatories are back in operation.
Everyone hates Harry cause as much of a dwerb as he was he still got closer to second base with 7 of 9 than most of you nerds.
Was Eris.a Force user?
The would not say that.C'mon,everypony😮💨
I guess I'm just not comfortable with the whole idea of... "investing".
Are Federation school children taught to hide under their decks during alien attacks?
Wow, selling like a Ford pinto
Lt. Barclay should have been in the Maquis
Morty doesn’t like shooting people, but he’s damn good at it.