When you can't understand Japanese
This is in relation to another post about the same teleporting thing with Zuva, it's such a goofy mechanic lol.
Yumiko's tails
Scythe hitboxes can’t be real
My goat got this fr
I officially Quite Brawlhalla after 6 years
Rare avatars
Skin exclusive to bundle? Seriously?
Hey Everyone!!!
Which legend was this for you?
W or L clip?
Hit plat, have some tips for players stuck in Gold
I... Am Steve (credit to original person)
Which legend never makes you mad when you lose to it?
Y’all picking skill or luck? I’m picking skill because the cosmetics look better imo
Who's the best axe legend in your opinion?
Where to post?
Luck Vs Skill is here!
Scythe Nerfs
Still waiting until the day level 100 names are animated
Welcome back to..